Tuesday, February 9, 2010

#21: Chocolate Wrapped Bacon

bacon? chocolate? chocolate wrapped bacon...bacon wrapped chocolate.

i was chatting with a few co-workers during lunch and somehow bacon came up in conversation...which led to chocolate covered bacon. i had never actually tried it before, but i'd heard about it. apparently you can buy them in those chocolate novelty shops but i've never managed to track them down. i decided i would try making some chocolate covered bacon at home. i grabbed some microwavable bacon from the fridge (not ideal - but hey, it was convenient). after the bacon cooled, i melted some chocolate chips in the microwave and then dipped the bacon into the ooey gooey chocolate. after the chocolate cooled a bit, i managed to melt some white chocolate (with a bit of buttermilk to make it smoother) and attempted to drizzle it on top of the bacon. threw it in the refrigerator to cool overnight.

i tried the bacon the next day, and it wasn't quite what i expected. i think next time i'll try using a higher quality, thicker cut of bacon. but...definitely worth trying once in your life...and easy to make!


  1. Hey! Make these next!


  2. thos are pretty freaky looking!
